Veruska Bahiense

Veruska Bahiense


Born in RJ – Brazil, she works as an event decorator, artist and photographer. She studied at Interior Decoration at La Salle in 2003, working in the market as designer and manager of projects. Even navigating through different worlds of the Arts, she always made the camera an extension of her persona. Graduated at Bachelor of Arts at the University Federal Fluminense, in 2020, she had the opportunity to experience multiple artistic techniques with photography, which resulted in the Works: Cultivate the Flowers of Your Pain. Participation in Exhibitions with multiple techniques: Rolezinho, at Mambembe Hostel – Brazil, in 2018; Expo Encontros – Brazil – International, at Atelier Buana Lima – Brazil – International, in 2019; Galaxias, at the UFF Arts Center – Brazil, in 2019; Indoor Party Expo, at Atelier Buana Lima – Brazil – International, in 2019; Abstract and Figurative Expo, at the Atelier Buana Lima -Brazil – International, in 2019; I’m Hunger for Mud, at Galeria Aberta – Brazil, 2019; Expo mi childhood, at Atelier Buana Lima – Brazil – International 2019; catalog of Works from Expo DOSSIER, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2020. International Festival “Unidos por el Arte”, in Mexico, in 2021;Escuela Internacional de Verano, 1st International Art Biennial Virtual, at the University of Panama, in 2021; Festival of Emotions, at UFF – Brazil, in 2021.


Abelha Aquarela café


Vaso Rachado Aquarela café


Série Sombras da Dor Obra 4C




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