SUMÁRIO JUL E AGO 2024 SUMÁRIO DA EDIÇÃO DE JULHO E AGOSTO 2024 Revista Eletrônica Revista em 3D Revista em PDF MATÉRIA DE CAPA The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. TUDO SOBRE CINEMA TUDO SOBRE CINEMA – Einstein e a Bomba Revista The Bard TUDO SOBRE CINEMA Edição Julho e Agosto 2024 Revista The Bard GRANDES AUTORES The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. AUTOPOIESE & NARRATIVAS The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. HISTÓRIA DAS ARTES The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. VIDA DE AUTOR The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. RECITA-ME RECITA-ME – Mar por Zeni Maria Revista The Bard RECITA-ME – Feminicídio por Rilnete Melo Revista The Bard MÚSICA E LITERATURA EM DIÁLOGO The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. NOSSA LITERATURA - VIRTUDES POÉTICAS The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. PROSA POÉTICA PROSA POÉTICA – Busca de si por Giselli Duarte Revista The Bard PROSA POÉTICA – Renascimento Perene por Eliane Manieski Revista The Bard MITOLOGIAS & CRÔNICAS The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. COLUNA DIALÉTICA The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. CRÔNICAS TONS DO COTIDIANO The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. HUMANILITERAR The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. AS CORES DA SOCIEDADE The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. NAU LITERÁRIA The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. RECANTO DAS CULTURAS TRADICIONAIS The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. FLORESCENDO EM PENSAMENTOS The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. LITERATURA DE CORDEL The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. RAÍZES DE MOÇAMBIQUE RAÍZES DE MOÇAMBIQUE – Eco de África por Leslie Sultane Revista The Bard RAÍZES DE MOÇAMBIQUE – Culturas e tradições de Moçambique Revista The Bard VAI UM LIVRO AÍ? VAI UM LIVRO AÍ? – Na pior em Paris e Londres Revista The Bard VAI UM LIVRO AÍ? – Poesias ao Luar Revista The Bard SEMEANDO A ESCRITA SEMEANDO A ESCRITA – A quem escrevo? Revista The Bard SEMEANDO A ESCRITA – O semeador de margaridas: A Frota de Cabral Por Arnaldo Júlio Barbosa Revista The Bard RESILIENTEMENTE The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. CALDEIRÃO CULTURAL The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. DESNUDA EM PALAVRAS - ERÓTICO The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. ARTIGOS The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. PROSA PROSA – Confissões de um ultrarromântico por Douglas Gomes Revista The Bard POETAS & POETISAS POETAS E POETISAS – Quando a tempestade passar por Nice Veloso Revista The Bard POETAS E POETISAS – O encontro por Stella Gaspar Poetas e Poetisas POETAS E POETISAS – O voo fatiado por Max Raposo Poetas e Poetisas COLUNA PINTURA The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. MINICONTOS MINICONTOS – O sol luzindo nas Azaléas por Stella Gaspar Revista The Bard CONTOS CONTOS – A comitiva por Luís Amorim Revista The Bard CONTOS – Laura por Joana Palha Revista The Bard CONTOS – A Festa do Caju (O Caju é trans-gênero) por Victor de Sousa Revista The Bard COLUNA - CRÔNICAS CRÔNICAS – Os balões por Márcia Regina Revista The Bard CRÔNICAS – Passo a passo por Neri Cappellari Revista The Bard Share Facebook Twitter Pinterest Linkedin