SUMÁRIO JUL E AGO 2023 SUMÁRIO DA EDIÇÃO DE JULHO E AGOSTO 2023 Revista Eletrônica Revista em 3D Revista em PDF MATÉRIA DE CAPA The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. TUDO SOBRE CINEMA TUDO SOBRE CINEMA – Excluídos Revista The Bard TUDO SOBRE CINEMA – Maria Antonieta Revista The Bard GRANDES AUTORES The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. AUTOPOIESE & NARRATIVAS The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. E AÍ, QUAL É O FILME? The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. HISTÓRIA DAS ARTES The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. VIDA DE AUTOR The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. RECITA-ME RECITA-ME – Mania de você por Juliana Rossi Revista The Bard RECITA-ME – As flores têm alma por Paulo Henrique Revista The Bard MÚSICA The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. LETRAS & MÚSICAS The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. FÓRUM DO SONETO FÓRUM DO SONETO – Triunfo póstumo por Elvira Drummond Revista The Bard FÓRUM DO SONETO – Cortejo de ilusões por Elvira Drummond Revista The Bard FÓRUM DO SONETO – Soneto Petrarquiano e Soneto Camoniano Revista The Bard COLUNA CINEMA CINEMA – O Poço Revista The Bard PROSA POÉTICA PROSA POÉTICA – A Prosa Poética Revista The Bard PROSA POÉTICA – Brisas de verão por Rita Queiroz Revista The Bard COLUNA - CRÔNICAS CRÔNICAS – Cemitério de lembranças por Joaquim Cesário de Mello Revista The Bard COLUNA - TERROR Y HORROR The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. COLUNA DIALÉTICA The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. NAU LITERÁRIA The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. MITOLOGIAS & CRÔNICAS The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. COLUNA ESCUTA The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. ALMA EM PERSPECTIVA The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. FOTOGRAFIA The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. CONTOS E MINICONTOS CONTOS E MINICONTOS – Sob as águas por Pedro Trajano Revista The Bard CONTOS E MINICONTOS – O velho casarão da Rua 6 por Adriana Ribeiro Revista The Bard CONTOS E MINICONTOS – Oblívio no engano IX – Na Aurora Serôdia por Renato Cresppo Revista The Bard POETAS & POETISAS POETAS E POETISAS Caminhos do Nordeste por Rita de Cássia Barreiro Poetas e Poetisas POETAS E POETISAS Testemunho por Renato Cresppo Poetas e Poetisas POETAS E POETISAS Encontro-me luz por Fernanda Chinaglia Poetas e Poetisas PROSA The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. CONFISSÕES SOB A LUA The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. ARTIGOS The current query has no posts. Please make sure you have published items matching your query. Share Facebook Twitter Pinterest Linkedin